Picking back up with the mini-expansions released last year, A Crystalline Prophecy brings the lore of Memoria de la Ŝtona full circle, re-uniting Aldo with his long lost sister when Vana'diel is faced with an other-worldly threat.
This video includes all the missions from the mini-expansion, including:
- The Echo Awakens
- Gatherer of Light
- Those Who Lurk in Shadows
- Remember Me in Your Dreams
- Born of Her Nightmares
- Banishing the Echo
- Ode of Life Bestowing
The final fight of this add-on was a real bitch for me, requiring numerous attempts with many different setups over the course of about a year. In the end, I think we won with only one person left alive at a couple hundred HP left. Many thanks to my comrades at Got Jugs for bringing these missions to a close.
Of course, even though I finished and recorded the cutscenes a couple of months ago, Veoh continues to be tempermental about accepting my large divx files. I finally lucked out with a random attempt to upload this week, so here you are.
As for the overall project and my playtime, I had a couple of months this summer where I got back in the swing of WotG, but my schedule caught up with me again, especially given the new job I started recently. My future play time is therefore in limbo, and my highest job is still only 76, but I am at least planning on spending some time this holiday weekend editing part three of the missions (#16-26) and trying to record parts three and four of the nation quests through Q11, which have all been completed except Bastok - What Price Loyalty. As for Shantotto, the final fight is every bit as annoying as ACP and I'm 0/3.
Oh, and in case ya'll are wondering, while I did reserve a blog space for FFXIV, I'm really not sure if that's gonna happen or not, especially with FFXI not even done, but you never know.