These videos were recorded and prepared several months ago, but due to technical issues, I was unable to get them uploaded to Veoh. After some recent software updates, I am finally able to bring them to you.
For full details on the cutscenes contained in these videos, please consult my original WotG post, which has been updated to reflect the new material.
As I've mentioned in several comment responses, the future of this project is currently in limbo due to ongoing real life issues over the past several months. Simply put, I'm not a kid with endless amounts of time to sink into MMORPGs. While I have recently reactivated my content IDs and have returned to FFXI, my schedule is more unpredictable than ever and I cannot make any definite commitments on future installments at this time. With new updates and level cap increases, there is so much happening in game that it's often difficult to simply try to find people willing to help me through the fights. My only request from my fans is that if you play on the Shiva server, or know others that do, {Help me out!}. The faster I can actually get through the missions, the quicker I get the scenes recorded and edited. I appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support for this project over the years and certainly hope I'll be able to bring you more in the months ahead.