December 3, 2011

WotG San d'Oria - Part 4

Part four of the San d'Oria quests is now available. With the Bloodwing Horde dealing a devastating blow, Excenmille must find the strength to overcome his fiercest enemy.

See my original WotG post for full details. 



Andrew said...

Can't wait until all of WotG is posted. I've been holding on to watch it as a marathon.

Seish said...

Thank you so much for all of your work. I loved the CoP RoZ and basic Mission videos so far! I'm thinking about waiting for the upload of all WotG cutscenes, so I wanted to ask, if youre still playing FF or not? :D And I failed to download some videos, like Sandy Missions D: Dont know why, but veoh download always stops at about 350 MB ; ;
Greeting from Germany and many many thanks again for your hard work!

lawtechguy said...

I've been on a break for a couple of months, playing FFXIII-2. The good news is that I completed all of the WotG missions, but I need to find time to record them. I'm anticipating taking some days off in the near future which will give me time to hopefully wrap up the project. Thanks for your interest and I hope to have more info soon.

Andrew said...

Yes! Looking forward to it. I gonna marathon the videos once you finish recording WotG.

I'm also playing XIII-2. Those DLC bosses are tough.

Anonymous said...


I'm hoping that you will consider giving FFXIV another try when they release version 2.0. They are planning at add a feature to replay cutscenes at that point. Like you, I was very upset with the state of the game. I have heard that major improvements have already been made and the game is almost being completely overhauled in the coming months.

Hope you will continue your work there :).


Unknown said...

I left this comment on your FF14 blog, and am posting again here for the FF11 crowd:

With 'A Realm Reborn' on the horizon, I hope that you'll come back to the game! I'm certain that you've heard your fill of the improvements that are in store. At that point, however, should you decide to un-cancel this project, you will regrettably never be able to record the original 1.0-1.23b storyline.

Have no fear! After all the work you've put into your FFXI project, you've inspired me to create a website of my own: So, if you still want to be involved, you can begin recordings of your own character when 2.0 launches, and simply redirect your followers to my site, should they want to relive the far past. I'll still be recording as well, so we could collaborate. Or you can sit back and stay cancelled. Your choice :)

lawtechguy said...

Hi, Kaycia. Just wanted to say I finally got around to downloading all of your videos. After seeing SE's v.1 conclusion video I was in awe and knew I wanted to see everything. I'm so glad someone did this and rivaled my FFXI vids. My career has really taken off in the last few years and has left me with very little personal time, so there's no way I could devote the energy to a new MMO. And as you can see, I still have unfinished work with the WotG videos that still need recording (can't believe it's been a year already since my last update).

Your videos are beautiful and very well done. Thank you again and I hope you continue your project with ARR. We are all in your debt.

irreversibly said...

Hi hi!
Just dropped by (christmas/new year's time, nothing to do, etc), and I'm glad to read that you've at least considered continuing the CSs :)
Very, very long-time follower here. Your videos are a real gift from the gods when trying to make sense out of FF11's stories!

Sawyer said...

Hope you can finish WotG and start on Abyssea one day! Thanks for all the videos!

eduryuken said...

Will you upload new videos in the future? And include Adoulin? Great blog!!